“This was easily the best tarantula magazine to come out of America. Jacobi was so respected in the European hobby that he was invited to edit the BTS Journal. Read and learn a thing or two. Jacobi has traveled the world collecting tarantulas - which makes him an unusual American arachnoculturist. He was also breeding rare tarantulas when most millennial’s were in nappies. Worthy of being checked out.”
(386MB .zip, ePUB & PDF versions)
(130MB .zip, ePUB & PDF versions)
Seven print issues of ARACHNOCULTURE were published in 2005-2007. Then it went away due to both the cost of production and my divorce and a move from Nashville to Seattle to become General Manager of Northwest Zoological Supply and
This is the cover of ARACHNOCULTURE 2005. The re-release of the first volume of the print magazine as a 249-page PDF. Click here to download.
In June 2020, I decided I wanted to relaunch ARACHNOCULTURE as a digital magazine. To stimulate interest in the project I released Volume One (four issues published in 2005) as a FREE 249 page PDF. You may download it here.
Subscription to the new digital version of ARACHNOCULTURE will be free. All you have to do is sign up for my mailing list. I am hoping to support the magazine through advertisements by dealers, manufacturers and other businesses, and will also have a “Treat the Publisher to a cup of Starbucks” option.
ARACHNOCULTURE 2020The modern relaunch of ARACHNOCULTURE will see a completely digital volume 3 designed for tablet, smartphone, and other devices. Many of the favorite features of the first two print volumes will be retained, including my Inner View and educational yet irreverent Back Page. There will be both scientific and popular articles that will appeal to arachnid enthusiasts of all types. All orders of Arachnida will be welcome; it isn’t a tarantula journal. Other inverts such as centipedes will also see inclusion. In addition to breeding and species reports, scientific features, and field trip tales we will apply the term “culture” not only to arachnid husbandry and propagation, but also to an arachnid lifestyle. A new column will be tarantula man and professional tattoo artist Mark Pennell sharing arachnid-themed tattoos by tattooists worldwide. Arachnid art, gifts, and other lifestyle items are welcome. Quizzes will return and there will be something for everyone. If you have any ideas, any favorite features from the old print magazine, or any suggestions for interview subjects please use this site’s Contact Form and let me know. I am actively seeking authors and photographers. Best, Michael Jacobi
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